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Konjuh opérée


Ana Konjuh a décidé de se laisser une dernière chance. La Croate de 21 ans (retombée à la 538e place) a été opérée pour la quatrième fois du coude depuis 2014. Une opéra­tion qui inter­vient quelques jours après son élimi­na­tion au premier tour de Budapest face à Pauline Parmentier. Sur ses réseaux sociaux, la native de Dubrovnik a expliqué qu’il s’agissait de sa dernière chance pour tenter de revenir au plus haut niveau. Si elle n’y arrive pas, elle arrê­tera sa carrière.

Voir cette publi­ca­tion sur Instagram

Hey everyone. It’s been a while since the last time I posted anything.. As majo­rity of you know I’ve been having elbow problems the last few years , I’ve done some proce­dures on it, took some time off, basi­cally tried every­thing that could’ve helped me to play tennis with no pain. But as it turns out it wasn’t enough. The few matches I played this year were okay, mana­geable, but the pain came back strong few days ago. After many consi­de­ra­tions and doctors visits I decided to give it one last try and do the ulnar colla­teral liga­ment recons­truc­tion. The reco­very will be long and slow , I dont really have a time frame on when I’ll be back , after the first few months of normal protocol for rehab most of it will depend on how my elbow is reac­ting after­wards so I guess we will have to see how it goes. Just wanted to thank you for conti­nued support and I promise I’m gonna try to come back even stronger. Can’t wait to get back on the court ???????? Ana♥️ ************* Bok svima, Kao sto vecina vas zna zadnjih neko­liko godina imam problema sa svojim desnim laktom, nakon tri zahvata, mjeseci ne igranja, temel­jitih priprema, probala sam sve sto sam mogla da igram tenis bez boli, ali ocito nije bilo dovoljno. Par meceva koje sam odigrala ove godine su bili podnosl­jivi ali se prije par dana bol naza­lost ponovno poja­vila. Nakon puno razmisl­janja i pregleda odlu­cila sam se za zadnju opciju a to je zahvat rekons­truk­cije ulnarnog kola­te­ralnog liga­menta. Oporavak ce biti dug i spor, ne znamo kada cu se moci vratiti igranju, vecina toga ce ovisiti kako ce lakat reagi­rati nakon par mjeseci reha­bi­li­ta­cije i kada bude opet pod stresom. Hvala svima na podrsci i jedva se cekam vratiti na teren ponovno ???????? Ana ♥️

Une publi­ca­tion partagée par Ana Konjuh (@anakonjuh) le

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