AccueilWTAElina Svitolina : "À un certain moment, il est important que les...

Elina Svitolina : « À un certain moment, il est impor­tant que les parents s’éloignent »


Le compte Instagram Behind The Racquet donne en général la parole aux « seconds » couteaux du circuit. Dernièrement, il a fait une petite excep­tion avec la joueuse ukrai­nienne Elina Svitolina. 

Son témoi­gnage comme tous ceux qui sont publiés sur ce compte est une nouvelle fois très inté­res­sant pour comprendre le parcours des pros du circuit. 

Elina insiste sur le fait que sans le tennis, elle n’au­rait jamais eu la vie d’au­jourd’hui et que c’est aussi le fait d’avoir couper le cordon avec ses parents qui lui a permis de prendre du recul, plus de plaisir, d’ap­pré­cier plei­ne­ment sa vie de cham­pionne de tennis. « Je pense que le plus dur, c’est que mes parents étaient impli­qués dans mon tennis. Peu importe où je jouais, ils suivaient toujours. Mes parents voulaient que je gagne chaque match. À un certain moment, il est impor­tant que chaque parent s’éloigne et mes parents l’ont compris il y a cinq ans. Quand mes parents ont cessé de voyager avec moi, je ne comp­tais plus sur eux. Si j’ai perdu un match, je me suis seule­ment blâmé et à travers ce processus, j’ai trouvé ma propre voie ».

Quelques lignes plus loin, Elina clôt son témoi­gnage avec une chute de toute beauté : « Le tennis a donné tout ce que j’ai aujourd’hui. Le tennis m’a appris la disci­pline, m’a présenté des gens formi­dables et m’a permis de décou­vrir des endroits incroyables. En somme, le tennis, c’est tout ma vie »

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“Compared to the other players, my journey has been gradual. I was always moving one step at a time, trying not to lose the momentum of impro­ving my game. I played the $10,000 events, then the $25,000 events, and slowly started getting into Grand Slams. Then I was playing on the biggest stages and trying to break into the Top 10 but I put too much pres­sure on myself. No matter what you are ranked, you always want more. When I was number 30 in the world, I thought, ‘If I am in the Top 10 I will be happy,’ but when I found myself in the Top 10, I was crying after losing matches. It never ends and it’s never enough. I learned to enjoy every match, even the toughest battles.⁣ ⁣ When I was tran­si­tio­ning to the profes­sional circuit, there was a lot of doubt. People expect you to improve quickly and you compare your­self to other players who are the same age but ranked higher. You have this nega­tive voice in your head but you have to put doubts aside and work hard every single day.⁣ ⁣ I think the toughest thing was that my parents were involved in my tennis. No matter where I played, they always followed. My parents wanted me to win every match. At a certain point, it’s impor­tant for every parent to step away and my parents realized this five years ago. When my parents stopped trave­ling with me, I didn’t count on them anymore. If I lost a match, I only blamed myself and through this process, I found my own way.⁣ ⁣ I still think about my child­hood some­times. Perhaps it could have been better if my parents hadn’t pushed me so hard. Yet these tough moments made me the person I am today. I have been on the road from a young age. It was chal­len­ging but when I thought about what I wanted to achieve, it moti­vated me. I would reset goals every few years so it did not feel like a constant cycle of trave­ling and losing, because I lost almost every week. Playing in front of crowds and winning tour­na­ments gave me energy and moti­va­tion.⁣ ⁣ Tennis gave me every­thing I have today. Tennis taught me disci­pline, intro­duced me to great people and showed me unbe­lie­vable places. Tennis gave me my life.” @elisvitolina⁣ ⁣ Go to for extended stories, podcast and merch.

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